Kilde Automation's CEO is leaving the company

After ten years at the helm of the Skive-based company Kilde Automation, Peter Friis is stepping down from the CEO position. The board is currently working to find his successor.
Until that is in place, Johan Blach Petersen, Kilde's chairman of the board, will take over the day-to-day management responsibility for the company's nearly 100 employees.
- We are, of course, sorry to say goodbye to Peter Friis because we have been pleased with the collaboration. With just over ten years at the helm of Kilde Automation, we bid farewell to a significant figure. At the same time, we appreciate his efforts over the years and wish him the best of luck in his new job," says Johan Blach Petersen.
Peter Friis will leave Kilde Automation in mid-October to start his new job outside of Kilde. The process of finding the right candidate for the CEO position is already well underway, and the focus is on ensuring a smooth transition so that the company's operations and employees' daily routines continue as usual.
A Healthy Company
The positive impact of the ten years with Peter Friis as the CEO of Kilde Automation is reflected directly in the just-concluded financial statements, as expectations are positive. The company's finances are healthy, and with an implemented strategic plan, there is a good foundation for the incoming CEO to continue the work.
-"Kilde Automation is a well-managed company, and we have just started year two of our five-year plan, aiming for stable growth. At the same time, we operate in a growing industry where more and more companies are automating their production. For the right candidate, it is undoubtedly an attractive position that we now need to fill," says Johan Blach Petersen.
The strategic plan for Kilde Automation has been developed in close collaboration between the board and the management team, and the management team is ready to embark on the further work with the new CEO on board. The ambitious growth plans include, among other things, hiring more employees at the Ulvevej facility in Skive.